Groton Red Hawks Winter Sports Portraits
about 1 month ago, Kelly Bishop
Winter Sports Portraits
Don't forget this week's spirit week!
about 2 months ago, Kelly Bishop
spirit week
The Jr/Sr PTO is excited to team up with Happy Jack's Maple for our Fall Fundraiser again this year! Shop online through 12/2/2024 at and use the code: GROTONFUND24 at checkout! Orders will be delivered to the school to be picked up during the upcoming Chorus and Band concerts on 12/3 and 12/11 at the Jr/Sr High School. We appreciate your support of the Jr/Sr PTO while also supporting a local business!
3 months ago, Andrew Doane
PTO - Happy Jack's Maple
Announcement of a scheduled drill at the Jr.-Sr. High School:
3 months ago, Kelly Bishop
Drill Schedule
Thank you.
3 months ago, Kelly Bishop
Thank you
HS [ONLY] YEARBOOKS still available for sale - Grades: 9-12
3 months ago, Kelly Bishop
Yearbook Sales
Announcement of a scheduled drill at the Jr.-Sr. High School:
3 months ago, Kelly Bishop
Lock Down Drill