Groton Jr./Sr. High School’s Class of 2023 as it “caps off” the graduation ceremonies with the traditional cap toss following the turning of the tassels – led by class president, Sam Young. Photo by John Brehm.

Celebrating the Graduating Fabulous 50! By Linda Competillo

June 28, 2023

Tompkins Weekly Article:

Although the weather on Friday evening, June 23, caused the Groton Jr./Sr. High School’s (GHS) Class of 2023 to hold its graduation ceremony in the gymnasium instead of the anticipated march onto Ross Field, the 50-member class did not allow it to rain on their proverbial parade.  

Principal Brian Kavanagh welcomed the crowd with opening remarks, and then the strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” rang out for the school’s 146th graduation. The graduates entered wearing the traditional red robes for the gentlemen and white for the ladies, with expressions of excitement and anticipation visible on each face.  

Kavanagh introduced Sam Young, class president, who led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by his excellent a cappella performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” 

Young addressed his classmates, recalling some of their most memorable times and stating his belief that “there will not come another time in our lives when we will be able to learn and grow as much as we have during our time here at Groton.” He defined the class as “energetic, independent fighters.” 

In addition to extending thanks to Kavanagh, Associate Principal Andrew Doane, class advisors Babs Carr and Tracy Cooper and all the teachers and staff, Young also thanked his classmates for the fond memories he will treasure, ending with a heartfelt and touching expression of thanks to his parents and family.  

Darian Mitchell, class salutatorian, spoke next, encouraging the class with reminders of the benefits of hard work and discipline. 

“Despite going through a pandemic, despite going through four principals and despite all other odds, we made it,” Mitchell said. “Senior class of 2023, look back and see the progress you have made throughout the years, relishing in the fact that you have succeeded and finally earned that diploma.”  

Mitchell further spoke of his own trials during high school and passed along some of what overcoming his sports injuries taught him. 

“Motivation can only take you so far before it sinks like a ship riddled with holes,” Mitchell said. “If it could last forever, we would not have terms like ‘senioritis’ to explain our lack of drive and attendance. Instead, it is discipline that will aid you on your journey in life. Discipline will teach you that regardless of your feelings, you still get work done.” 

Valedictorian Elisa Allen was next to give her speech, starting out by saying, “We finally made it. We made it through so much these past few years and almost had our high school careers ruined by the COVID pandemic. Thankfully, we had this wonderful opportunity to be able to have a normal school year again. No more restrictions, sports are back in full swing and we can have a normal graduation.” 

Allen compared things she had learned to the movie “Billy Madison,” relating it to the high school experience. 

“This made me think of our journey through high school,” Allen said. “We have been faced with so much diversity and so many different paths, we may have felt lost at points. There have been moments where we just felt stuck…. In the end, we finally found our way in one shape or form. We all have embraced diversity, learned to embrace the unexpected and to be comfortable being uncomfortable.” 

Joined by the seniors who were part of the band and chorus, band teacher Skyler Roswell conducted the band, which played “I Lived,” followed by chorus teacher Christopher Caza directing the high school chorus in “Alma Mater.”  

Superintendent Margo Martin followed the musical presentations with a speech titled “Lessons From (and for) a Social Media Generation,” in which she used popular social media platforms as opportunities to cleverly convey some life lessons.  

“Take advantage of opportunities before you: Snapchat – instant messaging made invisible. Snapchat messaging, like opportunity in life, is only available for a short time before it disappears. Make the most of it – or take a screen shot!” She also urged, “Share your story: Instagram – photo and video sharing social media – friendly and authentic way of expressing yourself and sharing your story. Don’t forget us as you walk away from the stage today. We are proud to call you Groton alumni and want to see your successes!”  

The following students then received their diplomas from Martin and Board of Education President Sophia Darling:  

Elisa Grace Allen (valedictorian), Isaac Robert Allen, Katelyn Lee Allen (class treasurer), Kimberly Lynn Ayers, Natalia Christine Bell, Peyton Tyler Brame, Mathias J. Brehm, Autumn Mae Burlingame, Lucas R. Darling, Alyssa Madison DeForrest, Benjamin John DeMatteo, Nathanyel P. DeShane, Eric Charles Deuel, Braedy Patrick Dilger, Gaige Rolland Goodsell, Thomas Joel Edwards III, Mackenzie Lynn Hamilton (class secretary), Isabella G. Harriott, Kory A. Hilker, Rachel Alice Houston, Avery Jordan Hoyt, Austin James Hunt, Kanye J. Israel, Leanna Grace Jackson, Hope Charlee-Marie Jursick, Ivy May Karschner, Lexie E. Loveless, Jillian M. Lucey, Mattison M. Lucey, Kolin Joseph Manning, Wyatt Francis Miller, Darian Michael Mitchell (salutatorian), Donovan Edward Mitchell, Zoe Catherine Elizabeth Morusty, Isaiah E. Mumm, Seanna Jean Neiss, Seth Alan Neiss, Dianna Kaya Niño, Thomas Robert Pinkowski, Julia Mae Ramey, Devyn Mae Roberts, Martina Jean Seamans, Mason D. Slade (class vice president), Chace B. Slaven, Caden Daniel Sommer, Robert Lewis Stephens IV, Gavin James Stockton, Kayla Emilee Todd, Caleb Dylan Wolf and Samuel Murphy Young (class president).   

The plethora of scholarships, awards, earned college credits from Tompkins Cortland Community College, extracurricular and sports involvements and future plans of each of these students are truly astounding and would never fit in the confines of this column, but Kavanagh announced them all to thunderous applause for each graduate.  

Congratulations GHS Class of 2023 – your community is very proud of you! 

Groton on the Inside appears every week in Tompkins Weekly. Submit story ideas to or text or call Linda at 607-227-4922.